Just a short note.

Those pesky "Child Of Cud" tees are back in stock.

Our entire supply has been stuck behind Phil's couch for 9 months.

ALSO.... I feel I should say, we've had a few late arrivals/deliveries. Inexplicably late.

We're really sorry about this

The postie did tell me that the post is struggling with the volume at the mo'.

My nearest PO always has a queue right down the street outside it. I cycle about three miles, to the quiet one on the Ring Road.
Anyway, we are doing this all, as fast as Gabriel can do it ON HIS OWN..
So please bear with us (and/or the Royal Mail)
We've still got a handful of those marvellous books, more than a few packs of cards and, well just take a look....
AND, if we don't see you before long, have a lovely Christmas or "break". Wink emoji