Hey all you Children Of Cud

(and thank you, Rob Wood)

Here at Tonka Towers we're slowly getting over some technical difficulties that may make some of your orders take just a little longer to fulfil than usual.

Meanwhile, one of our minions found a few more of those pesky patches; literally down the back of the settee, so we've put them back on the site again,

but this time it's super strictly limited (Sorry!!)

And: Washing Up Fans will be relieved to know that Carl has printed a few more of our sell-out tea towels "Groovy #1" and "Groovy #2".

Handy for those who eschew the dishwasher....

Also, some "rarities" have arrived in the "Signed and Personalised" department..

Take a look..

Everything that's ordered before December, should be with you by Christmas, after that there's no telling!!