Hello everyone and Everyone "Hello"

This morning as Summer seems to have arrived at last, I found myself thinking "Aha!" "Tee shirt weather"

and so looking in the CUDshoppe cupboard to find something to steal / borrow, shocked was I to discover very few of anything, especially in my size

(ZL as you asked)

"we need to get something new in" I thought , "perhaps with Autumn in mind, it is coming after all"

So here we go, in order to finish what we started, with last week's mini sale, all remaining shirt wear reduced to a whoppingly small £5.

To accompany you as you strut your stuff, catwalk style, what better than the mega-deal to end all mega-deals, the Victoria / Louise double date

at a heart-stoppingly low price of £5

These offers can only last a few days, as quantities are very low.

Now I'm off to listen to the magnificence of Genesis' Lamb Lies Down On broadway, while watching Croatia with the volume down..

Good night


GT  xx